Foldable Shopping Bags are always a handy item to have. The bag has long shoulder handles, no gusset and folds up into a handy, small wallet. These bags are ideal to keep in the glove box of your car or at home. This is an excellent, low cost promotional bag that is made from non woven fabric.
Foldable Shopping Bags can be decorated with your company logo or advertising message. The bag size is 380mm x 40mm. Printing is available with a screen print or a full colour digital transfer on the back of the bag as well as on the pouch. (Digital printing has a longer time frame). These bags are available in six strong PMS colours with a minimum order as low as 100 bags. Bag PMS colours are black, red PMS185, orange PMS164, navy blue PMS2768, royal blue PMS2728, and white.
Thank you so much for our air fresheners - they look really great. The boys have been dropping them into all the car yards and they love them! Thanks again for all your help and making it such a painless process. You guys have been terrific for a novice in the advertising world 🙂