Seed Packs - Large are printed in full colour front and back. Contains a small sachet of seeds of your order (one seed type per order). Size is 110mm x 175mm. Minimum order is 250 packs.
Alpine | Ageratum | Anise hyssop | Agonis |
Broccoli | Alyssum | Basil | Any Callistemon |
Cabbage | Amaranthus | Bergamot | Any Kunzea |
Carrot | Ammi majus | Calamint | Any Leptospermum |
Cauliflower | Antirrhinum | Catmint | Any Melaleuca |
Chinese cabbage | Bellis | Chamomile | Babys Breath |
Lettuce | Brachycombe | Chives | Bottlebrush |
Radicchio | Celosia | Feverfew | Busy lizzy |
Strawberry | Coleus | Lemon Balm | Clarkia |
Tomato | Digitalis | Marjoram | Forget Me Not |
Heuchera | Oregano | Kangaroo paw | |
Linaria | Parsley | Kanuka | |
Nemesia | Stevia | Lemon Scented Bottlebrush | |
Papaver | Tansy | Livingstone Daisy | |
Penstemon | Tarragon | Lobelia | |
Portulaca | Thymus | Lophostemon Confertus | |
Sagina | Valerian | Manuka | |
Saxifraga | Wormwood | Monkey Flower | |
Sedum | Yarrow | Pansy | |
Veronica | Petunia | ||
Yarrow Red or White | Poor Mans Orchid | ||
Poppy | |||
Scented Paperbark | |||
Viola | |||
Weeping Red Bottlebrush |
Hi Bongo - just letting you know that we have received our shirts and I wanted to give you our feedback. Everyone loves them. Thank you so much in helping us complete our work shirts. It was a really hard design and we really appreciate all the hard work you put into making it perfect. The artist of the design was very happy with the outcome. Well done to your team. Thanks again.