Seed Sticks 5 Pack is our most popular, mainly due to its size and value for money. Seeds are sources from a local supplier. Pack size when stapled and folded is 50mm x 40mm. Minimum order quantity is 250 units.
Alpine | Ageratum | Anise hyssop | Agonis |
Broccoli | Alyssum | Basil | Any Callistemon |
Cabbage | Amaranthus | Bergamot | Any Kunzea |
Carrot | Ammi majus | Calamint | Any Leptospermum |
Cauliflower | Antirrhinum | Catmint | Any Melaleuca |
Chinese cabbage | Bellis | Chamomile | Babys Breath |
Lettuce | Brachycombe | Chives | Bottlebrush |
Radicchio | Celosia | Feverfew | Busy lizzy |
Strawberry | Coleus | Lemon Balm | Clarkia |
Tomato | Digitalis | Marjoram | Forget Me Not |
Heuchera | Oregano | Kangaroo paw | |
Linaria | Parsley | Kanuka | |
Nemesia | Stevia | Lemon Scented Bottlebrush | |
Papaver | Tansy | Livingstone Daisy | |
Penstemon | Tarragon | Lobelia | |
Portulaca | Thymus | Lophostemon Confertus | |
Sagina | Valerian | Manuka | |
Saxifraga | Wormwood | Monkey Flower | |
Sedum | Yarrow | Pansy | |
Veronica | Petunia | ||
Yarrow Red or White | Poor Mans Orchid | ||
Poppy | |||
Scented Paperbark | |||
Viola | |||
Weeping Red Bottlebrush |
Hi Judy, we have just received our 15 boxes. I can't begin to tell you how excited we all are about what you have done for us. The shirts, pens, and caps look amazing. What a fantastic way to end the week. You are a legend. Thank you so much.