Most major supermarkets and retail stores spend a lot of money on promotional shopping bags. It's obvious that investing on quality bags with their logos and brand messages - is a wise and long term investment that will attract more customers to their store. These branded bags keep their brand visible at all times. Shoppers will use these bags time and time again, and therefore the initial investment in these bags by the store - is very worthwhile.
Tote and Shopping bags encompass a varied range of fabrics and styles. Our most popular styles are our custom printed tote bags that are made of non woven fabric and can be decorated all over the bag. These are available in a range of sizes with or without gussets. Non Woven printed tote bags offer value and are a simple, effective solution when distributing your marketing materials are conferences or events - just pop everything in a tote bag and it's organised.
A reusable shopping bag, sometimes called bag for life, is a type of shopping bag which can be reused many times: this is an alternative of single use paper or plastic bags. It is often made from fabric such as canvas, woven synthetic fibers, or a thick plastic that is more durable than disposable plastic bags, allowing multiple use.
Reusable shopping bags are a carrier bag, which are available for sale in supermarkets and apparel shops. Reusable shopping bags require more energy to produce than common plastic shopping bags. One reusable bag requires the same amount of energy as an estimated 28 traditional plastic shopping bags or eight paper bags. "If used once per week, four or five reusable bags will replace 520 plastic bags a year" according to Nick Sterling, research director at Natural Capitalism Solutions. A study commissioned by the United Kingdom Environment Agency in 2005 but never published found that the average cotton bag is used only 51 times before being thrown away.